Neighborhood Pantry
1000 E Hillsdale Blvd | Foster City, CA 94404 | (650) 574-4842

Find nearby businesses!

These are the local eateries in your area that have signed up to be providers! All of these restaurants, bakeries, and more are conscious of their food waste and are willing to donate food they would normally toss out to local food banks and families in need.

Are you a business in the area aligned with our goal of reducing waste while helping the community? Join the movement with the Neighborhood Pantry app!

Find your neighbors!

Say hello to your local pantry community! The pins on the map to the left are your neighbors who have signed up through our app to be local providers and receivers. They are more than happy to share their produce and food items amongst themselves.

To join your neighbors in the cycle of giving and receiving, download the Neighborhood Pantry app!